C Programming - Divisible By 3 or Not (continued)

Some more additions to my previous post C Programming - Divisible By 3 or Not.


1. A solution that I got as a comment to my previous post. Thanks Piyush!

struct NODE {
bool returnValue;
struct NODE *next;
} MOD3_LOOP[3];

bool DivBy3(int n)
MOD3_LOOP[0].returnValue = TRUE;
MOD3_LOOP[0].next = &MOD3_LOOP[1];

MOD3_LOOP[1].returnValue = FALSE;
MOD3_LOOP[1].next = &MOD3_LOOP[2];

MOD3_LOOP[2].returnValue = FALSE;
MOD3_LOOP[2].next = &MOD3_LOOP[0];

NODE *iterator = &MOD3_LOOP[0];
int val = n;

while(val != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < (val & 0x03); i++)
iter = iter->next;
val = val>>2;

return (iter->returnValue);

2. Another One

int div3(int number)
if ( number < 0 ) number = -number;
while ( number > 2 ) {
unsigned int odd = number & 0xaaaaaaaa;
unsigned int even = number & 0x55555555;
int count = 0;
while(odd) {
odd &= (odd-1);
while(even) {
even &= (even-1);
if ( count < 0 ) count = -count;
number = count;
return (number == 0);

Please post in your comments about these solutions.